Sunday, 6 June 2010

A Cloud 9 "eco-lodge"

One of the housing options we are exploring is bringing in some modular houses, or "eco-lodges" for example these lovely ones from Cloud 9.

Potential site!

Wow, 4 months since my last post. In the last few months we have been busy searching for a suitable site. Have sifted through hundreds of land sale details, some could be ruled out from the details alone, or a quick look on Google Earth - what a marvellous tool that is, and free too. It showed for instance what looked like a landing strip near one site. A bit of investigation showed that it was a landing strip - for where they manufactured and tested Typhoon fighter jets. Some have got through that filter, and we've been to see a quite a few. A couple turned out to be "greenbelt" with no chance of getting Planning Permission. One site was nice, but had a large power pylon right in the middle of it - and a large sink hole. It was the site of one of Cheshire's salt mines, and I read a fascinating account from about 1910 of how one day a huge hole opened up in the ground and the local brook poured into it. Apparently you could see down about 100 feet before it.

Anyway, I digress.

The potential site we have found, after searching North West wide, turns out to be out 3 miles from where we live! On our own doorstep, as it were. The issue is that it is larger than we wanted, and of course is more expensive than we had bargained for, so now we have to work out how we can earn enough from developments on the land to enable us pay for it, as the nursing home business cannot support loan repayments for the whole site .