Sunday, 6 December 2009

Good prospects

This document - the Prospectus - is to help us communicate to potential partners what Deep Green is, what it will bring to the local area and what it can bring to the table, i.e. up to £6,000,000 of loan and grant from the Social Investment Business, depending on the package, with a costed business plan for a specific site. We have identified some potential sites of the right size, and are working through our list of local authorities, regeneration agencies and Registered Social Landords. I'd be happy to share this with anyone who is interested - just send me a message.

Saturday, 14 November 2009

Beautiful view

There's been so much going on lately it's been hard to find the time to keep the blog updated - but there is now a lot of material to add over the next week or two. First and foremost we have some lovely sketches of what the nursing facility might look like. The actual design will of course depend on the features of the site, and any existing buildings or structures already present. We will endeavour to strengthen, or at least preserve positive features, and minimise negative impacts on the local area.

Sunday, 27 September 2009

Quids in

Don't know about you, but I always thought when you were awarded a grant there would be a photo of you with a big cheque, like this:

Sadly no, just a transfer made to our bank account, which I only found out next time I checked the balance.

Sunday, 13 September 2009

The search for a site

Now the really hard part - finding a suitable site. There are so many factors to consider. We've devised a decision matrix, and included the following criteria:

  • area (~8ha - apparently a football pitch is 0.8 hectares - so this means 10 football pitches)

  • physical geography - shape of site, slope, aspect, drainage, etc

  • previous development (was it industrial? are there existing buildings? is there anything we can "reclaim"?)

  • accessibility and communication - public transport connections are absolutely crucial if we are to keep our carbon footprint down (or a good cycle path in the unlikely event we can find one anywhere 'round here), access roads, Broadband, etc

  • skills proximity - local workforce nearby (who will be using the bus, cycle path, etc as above!). Deep Green aims to upskill people, so the main factor is a local population with a sufficient number of potential care staff who will share the values of Deep Green.

  • cost - current ownership has a huge influence here. If public sector, they may be willing to let Deep Green have the land very cheap because of the social capital we will be creating in the area. If a prime site for residential development, the cost could be millions.

  • Planning permission - a site which was already deigned as residential in the draft Local Development Framework might be easier than a former industrial or retail area.

  • Environmental concerns - a catch-all for "other" such as green belt, site of special scientific interest, potential for wind turbine, contamination and any remediation needed

  • Partners - is the local authority supportive? Is there a Registered Social Landlord (RSL) i.e. housing association, covering that area who might be willing to work with us? Is there a regeneration initiative?

  • Site history and neighbours - has there been any kind of local protest over the site? is it a site used by travellers? are there problems with community safety, vandalism, theft, hate crime, etc?

  • and last, but not least, the aesthetics of the site, does it look attractive? Does it have potential?

So any readers (either of you!) who know of a site we could consider, please let us know.

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Water, water everywhere...

The weather lately has turned my mind to thinking about how we will use water at Deep Green.
Here in the developed world we are crazy enough to use excellent drinking water to flush our toilets! We transport this precious commodity from beautiful lakes in Cumbria or North Wales - and along the way an awful lot is lost to leakage. It's desirable from a sustainability perspective to use as little as possible. This concept doesn't fit that well with conventional health care, where there is great emphasis placed on washing - bodies, clothes, bed linen and floors! So how to maximise cleanliness and infection prevention and control whilst minimising water use?
We will be exploring:
  • reusing "grey" water from sinks, baths and wet rooms for flushing purposes.
  • harvesting rain water for the gardens
  • low water use laundry - I understand that the new oxygenating washing processes remove the need for extensive rinsing

We will also consider how we can minimise run off from the site, by keeping hard paving/asphalted surfaces to a minimum.

We will be inviting United Utilities (our local water purveyor) to become a partner, initially providing technical advice and expertise, but from there who knows?

We made contact with the Centre for Alternative Technology in Machynlleth, Wales, several months ago, to see if one of the people studying on one of their courses might be interested in examining different methods for treating laundry. Can't understand why no one has bitten the cherry ...

Saturday, 18 July 2009

Business Development Grant awarded!

Very good news Subject to contract, SEIF has agreed to award us a Business Development Grant! Apparently we are the first award of this year's round. One of the first steps is to establish the size and shape of the market for the Deep Green offer, and how much health and social care commissioners would be willing to pay.

The search for a friendly local authority will now be pursued in earnest. We have a real proposition, with likelihood of securing funding, which will create 100 jobs, plus the short-term jobs created in the construction - a sector which is crying out for work at the moment. This factor will make the costs of building cheaper now than they would have been 2 years ago. As we will be using environmentally conscious building methods, this will give the workforce experience which can only enhance their future employment prospects. "Green" building is increasinly making sense as the longer term energy costs continue to rise. So we make an attractive proposition for a local authority wanting to stimulate some business growth, and we "tick lots of boxes" - social enterprise, woman entrepreneur, person with disabilities, ethical, environmental, providing social could they possibly say no?

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Business Plan and Financial Forecasts complete-ish

Considering this time 2 years ago I hadn't realised that this was what I wanted to do - to now having written a Business Plan (with a little help from my friends) for a £6,000,000 development is amazing. Paul has written the two 3 year financial forecasts, using the huge, complex spreadsheets provided by SEIF (see previous) - one of those where changing a variable on one page, e.g. monthly utility bill, automatically updates the others, so you can play around with the figures to your heart's content. For instance, I hadn't factored in any extra payment for unsocial hours, so we were able to add on 5 day's pay per year (for staff who will work Bank Holidays - 10 days at time and a half). The forecasts take us up to 2015. We've projected the home opening for business in 2012, but I think that is extremely optimistic -there are so many factors around finding a site, getting it surveyed, getting Planning permisssion, who knows - being gazumped?
The next step is that our Investment Adviser will prepare a case for the development to a specially convened panel - by which I mean a panel which comes together when they have a couple of proposals to vet - rather than working to a pre-determined schedule. It will probably be September before we hear if we have been awarded a Business Development Grant to allow us to take the Business Plan and financial forecasts to a stage where we will be "investment ready". Then it will be a Dragon's Den scenario..... (yipes!)

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Good news - on 6 June 2009 we finally had contact from the Social Enterprise Investment Fund (SEIF) - a Department of Health fund, now managed by Futurebuilders England, in response to an application we submitted 31 July 2008! We were advised to withdraw that application, and apply under the new terms which were coming out the next week (search for SEIF on if you're interested). We have since had contact from our Investment Adviser, and submitted draft business plan, 6 year cash flow forecast, and Statement of Investment Use, to her so that she can help us get them sufficiently robust to go before the next Investment Panel.

Thursday, 14 May 2009

Two's company

Deep Green Care Community was incorporated as a Community Interest Company Limited by Shares on 29 April 2009, Registration no.6892280. The Community Interest Company or CIC is a relatively new legal form established specifically for social enterprise. You can read all about it on the CIC regulator's website.
We deliberated long and hard about the legal form, Coop? Charity? Company Limited by Guarantee? We opted for a Company Limited by Shares as it opened up potential ways of financing the venture.
Currently there are only 2 of us who are directors, and also members and shareholders! but there remain plenty of unallotted shares so that everyone who comes to live or work in Deep Green can become a shareholder (of 1 share). I've retained half plus 1 (50.1%) of the shares, so that I can be assured that the vision and values I aspire to for the organisation will be protected until the organisation is mature, at which point I will let it stand on its own 2 feet (I promise).

Sunday, 8 March 2009

The search for a site

We are prepared to consider anywhere in the North West of England, or North Wales, but certain factors will influence the choice:
  • size of plot - I would like it to be 2-3 hectares (at least), in order to have room for the 75 bed nursing home, my home, plus some other staff and visitor accommodation, plus space for houses, flats, etc to be built on the site at a later date. It is also very important that there is ample space for gardens, with paths, patios etc to provide a variety of interesting and stimulating outdoor environments, also at least a few raised beds for growing our own veg, and an orchard, even if only half a dozen fruit trees.
  • local support - finding a local authority, or development trust or regeneration initiative based in the area, who would be willing to make a financial (in kind) contribution, e..g. gifting some of the land for a guarantee that it would provide homes, jobs, community facilities, etc
  • easily accessible by public transport
  • a sufficient client base. As the offer will be highly specialised, I think Deep Green would have a much wider catchment area than a typical care home. We would ensure that neighbouring health and social care commissioners would be able and willing to send their clients
  • price
  • likelihood of getting Planning permission

I scoured the Register of Public Sector Land Surplus yesterday. There were a couple of former NHS sites which seemed worthy of further investigation. I'll report progress.

No blogs for a while

Sorry, but I was having some problems - which it seemed other bloggers were having as well (error code: bX-ritjb2, if you're interested), but all seems to be resolved now.

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Our acquistion fell through!

I hadn't gone into detail previously, but in November 08 we became aware of a care home, relatively near where we live, which was on the market. It was the leasehold which was up for sale, and there were 14 years remaining on it. It was registered for people with dementia, both nursing and residential beds, so although it wasn't the client group I originally had in mind - we both considered it would help convince potential funders (of the Deep Green vision) that we were capabable of running a care home, and provide invaluable experience.
We had extremely valuable support from friends and family who were used to acquisitions, reading business accounts and conveyancing. St Helens Chamber of Commerce were also very supportive, not only in terms of business advice generally, but in providing us with a generic business plan for a nursing home acquistion, as one of their business mentors had recently acquired a care home in Liverpool. He also made clear that when a new business acquires a nursing home, you have to go through the full CSCI registration again (although the Registered Manager doesn't, if she stays in post).
We were seeking funding (~£2,500) for an independent evaluation, I had phoned UnLtd for a Level 1 application form.
Anyway to cut a long story short, 5pm last Friday we got a call from the Estate agents - the vendor had taken the home off the market.
So in some ways I'm sad we didn't get it, as I was already planning how I would conduct my inital getting to know you interviews with staff, and putting together the Company Handbook with policies and nursing procedures, but in others I'm sure it's for the best, as it didn't fit my specifications in many ways. As we wouldn't have owned the site, it would have made installing any kind of energy generation on site, or the other low carbon features I see as very much part of the Deep Green Care Community.

Sunday, 1 February 2009


  • Involvement - To maximise quality of life for the residents, their family and
    friends, all to give some of their time, according to their abilities, to
    the running of the community. Features will be incorporated in the design
    to support people with a range of (dis)abilities to be as involved as they
    wish to be and as independent as possible.
  • Clinical excellence -Developing excellence in standards of nursing and
    social care. Teaching, providing placements and running short courses.
    Staff development, and multi-tasking. Health promotion a cornerstone.
  • Environmental sustainability - To showcase environmental best practice.
    Minimising negative impacts on the physical environment, in both buildings
    and processes, resource minimisation principles, e.g. low carbon, waste
    minimisation, reuse of “grey water”. Locally sourced materials and food
    where possible.
  • Ethical - Non-exploitative, i.e. using fairly-traded products wherever
    available. Respecting and upholding belief systems (various faiths,
    vegetarianism, sexuality, etc
  • Design - The project will seek out and include the best of contemporary
    design in terms of the physical build, the environmental sustainability,
    the ergonomics and the accessibility of the site.
  • Not-for-profit - It will be a social enterprise, all financial profits will
    be fed back into the organisation to further develop the core aims.

Sunday, 25 January 2009

What is Deep Green?

The Deep Green Care Community will provide a setting where the spectrum of care for people with complex needs and (dis)abilities can be provided. The needs for care may vary over time; they may be due to a degenerative condition, or one which is characterised by acute exacerbations, interspersed with less troublesome periods. The hub of the community will be a nursing home, which provides 24 hour nursing care, and serves as a physical base for the care staff. This will be surrounded by residential units of varying size, design, and tenure, where the people with nursing needs may live with their family and friends, or on their own, as they prefer. Care can be arranged flexibly, so that provision of assistance with daily living to complex nursing care can be delivered to fit around the lives of the “carers” who may work, or go on holiday, or just go out for an evening. Some staff accommodation will also be provided, and temporary accommodation for visitors. The site will also have a number of communal facilities and gardens.

Phase I of the project will consist of acquiring land, building the nursing home, and establishing it as a viable concern.

Phase II will be building the first tranche of residential units.

Phase III will consist of building the remaining residential units bespoke for specific individuals/families, to accommodate different types of disability.

As Phase II and III are developed, the Deep Green Care Community will be available to people at any stage of their illness. The highly specialised nursing care will be available to people who live in their own homes within the community, if and when the need arises, without them having to move. The reason for the mix is to provide a mixed community, where mutually beneficial interaction can occur, and to allow for couples/friends/families to live there, even though one, or several members of the household, may not require nursing care. It will provide an attractive proposition for ageing parents of young adults with complex nursing needs.

Saturday, 24 January 2009

Why I'm establishing Deep Green

I had been having severe headaches for some time, when in 2005, I was diagnosed with a large brain tumour. The neurosurgeon was surprised that I hadn’t experienced any problems with walking or other “motor” functions. I underwent surgery 3 weeks later. In the days following I experienced “acquired brain injury” at first hand – I couldn’t really do anything for myself for a few days. It was a real eye-opener into the experiences of people who are very vulnerable, and reliant on others for fulfilling their most basics needs. Communication was a problem, as I couldn’t speak as well as I had done – the right word didn’t come sometimes. My facial muscles didn’t work particularly well so that my loved ones couldn’t tell my mood.

Due to the excellent care I received I had recovered enough to go home 8 days later and could walk, if a little unsteadily, and over the next 3 months substantially recovered. However the surgery left its legacy; several months later I developed epilepsy.

This life-changing event gave me cause to reflect, particularly on people who suffer from disabling conditions, neurological conditions, and other degenerative conditions, and the impact this must have on how they/we live their/our lives. Some would need considerable help. Some would be able to live at home with suitable adaptations and care packages, but there would be others who would need to live in a “nursing home”. I had never seen a nursing home that I would like to live in. I asked around my friends and acquaintances, and looked on the internet. Nothing appealed at all. I resolved to create the sort of community I would like to live in, should the need arise.