Saturday, 24 January 2009

Why I'm establishing Deep Green

I had been having severe headaches for some time, when in 2005, I was diagnosed with a large brain tumour. The neurosurgeon was surprised that I hadn’t experienced any problems with walking or other “motor” functions. I underwent surgery 3 weeks later. In the days following I experienced “acquired brain injury” at first hand – I couldn’t really do anything for myself for a few days. It was a real eye-opener into the experiences of people who are very vulnerable, and reliant on others for fulfilling their most basics needs. Communication was a problem, as I couldn’t speak as well as I had done – the right word didn’t come sometimes. My facial muscles didn’t work particularly well so that my loved ones couldn’t tell my mood.

Due to the excellent care I received I had recovered enough to go home 8 days later and could walk, if a little unsteadily, and over the next 3 months substantially recovered. However the surgery left its legacy; several months later I developed epilepsy.

This life-changing event gave me cause to reflect, particularly on people who suffer from disabling conditions, neurological conditions, and other degenerative conditions, and the impact this must have on how they/we live their/our lives. Some would need considerable help. Some would be able to live at home with suitable adaptations and care packages, but there would be others who would need to live in a “nursing home”. I had never seen a nursing home that I would like to live in. I asked around my friends and acquaintances, and looked on the internet. Nothing appealed at all. I resolved to create the sort of community I would like to live in, should the need arise.

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